
Office with LGBT accessories and decoration. LGBTQ culture
Including the LGBTQIA+ Community in the Workplace

The acronym LGBTQIA+ comprises many different identities of people regarding their romantic or sexual orientation, gender identity or both. The language surrounding these communities is always evolving, and each community is distinctly different in terms of their experiences.

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Two hands hold together 4 blocks each with a letter on them, the blocks spell out PTSD
Understanding and Overcoming PTSD

During the month of June, we celebrate Pride. We also spread awareness of a mental health disorder that impacts 13 million Americans: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). June 27 is National PTSD Awareness Day.

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6 ideas for building an inclusive work environment - Illinois BHWC
6 ideas for building an inclusive work environment

Building an inclusive environment in the workplace can seem like a monumental task and requires continued dedication, but being an organization that cares for its employees can have some extraordinary benefits, including decreased turnover, improved job satisfaction, enhanced creativity, and an overall healthier workforce.

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The Certified Recovery Support Specialist Program

Those with lived experience of mental health or substance abuse recovery can find support to successfully complete the Certified Recovery Support Specialist (CRSS) training, a type of credential one can earn in order to enter the behavioral health workforce.

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