BHWC Reports

Initiated in 2022 by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), the Certified Recovery Support Specialist (CRSS) Success Program provides comprehensive support and training to prepare CRSS behavioral health professionals to enter the workforce. This evaluation assessed CRSS Success Program students’ readiness for practice through surveys completed by internship supervisors.

The Community Mental Health Provider Survey collected data from 555 providers in community mental health agencies, certified community behavioral health centers, and other publicly funded outpatient mental health programs across Illinois. This survey looked at providers’ demographics, confidence in providing services, training needs, and factors related to provider retention.

Demographics: This report describes the current workforce, looking at key differences in diversity, education, and licensing across the state. 

Retention: This report summarizes the likelihood of provider retention, key factors contributing to potential turnover, and the needs of providers who are at risk of leaving their current positions or the field entirely. This summary highlights key findings and their implications for enhancing community mental health services.

This is the first report to the Illinois General Assembly to summarize the activities of the Center by December 1 of every odd numbered year.

The task force report was sent to the Illinois General Assembly regarding the Illinois behavioral health workforce crisis and recommended solutions to grow, recruit and retain a qualified, modern, diverse, and evolving behavioral health workforce: Response to House Bill 5111 (PA 100-0767)