Training Opportunities

PracticeWise MATCH Training & Support

Do you provide mental health services to children and early teens with Medicaid insurance? Do you supervise at least one other clinician or intern? If so, receive free training and support to increase your skill and satisfaction with your practice and improve client outcomes!

The Illinois Behavioral Health Workforce Center is hosting free training on using PracticeWise MATCH, an online treatment manual for mental health needs of children and early teens with Medicaid insurance.

Who should participate?

The training is available to mental health providers who supervise at least one intern or staff member and have a caseload that includes children or early teens.

What are the benefits?

  • You will receive 1.5 CEUs for each learning collaborative that you attend.
  • Upon completing all four sessions, your agency will receive $1,000 for staff time.
  • Clinicians who learn and use MATCH are more satisfied with the intervention than either other evidence-based treatment manuals or treatment as usual without using manuals.
  • Clients treated using MATCH also experience significantly more reduction in symptoms than with use of other approaches.

How do you get started?

If interested, please review this document with detailed information and instructions on how to access the MATCH training videos and register for the Learning Collaborative.